OpenClinica Website | Documentation | Contact © OpenClinica, LLC and collaborators. They are presented in electronic format with easy access to the … Dean: Prof. Dr. Klaus Benndorf. Light, Life, Liberty - Connecting Visions- Forschung und Tradition seit 1558. Email: If you have the certificate for the recipient in your addressbook and are still receiving errors, verify that the e-mail address in the recipient field matches the e-mail address where the certificate is stored. Convergence is not supported in your browser. Click here if you want to access the data entry and benchmarking application. Talent factory for biomedical research 18.05.2020 The Medical Faculty of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena has been offering the... Doctors and Referrers. Position . Welcome! Our work is in part funded by the H2020 programme of the European Research Council. Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences Information about management, structure and history of the faculty Executive Director: Prof. Dr. Christoph Biskup AG Biomolekulare Photonik Phone: +49 3641 9397800 E-Mail: Coordinator. Coordinator. Email . QUIPSI has been running since 2011. Heinzel, Thorsten. Email: I am a professor at the Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena working on numerical relativity and gravitational waves.Here you will find information about my research and my group. Fax: +49 3641 9-396502. E-Mail: Daniel.Guellmar med.uni-jena de. E-Mailadressen, Telefonnummern, Faxnummern der Mitbeiter der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Telephone Numbers and E-mail Addresses Phone: +49 3641 9-325736, 9-396541. The Friedrich Schiller University on social media: Studying amid excellence: Contact Legal Notice Privacy Statement Emergencies Contact. Phone . Jobs and Career. Monika Keilich Secretary 08N05 +49-3641-9-46480 The Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena is not only an Excellence Graduate School, but also a lively network of scientists from a broad variety of natural & life sciences institutes and an umbrella organization for three Research Training Groups in Jena. OpenClinica User Login. 37, 39 GDPR) Dr. Stefanie Buchmann law Office Fürstengraben 1, 07743 Jena Phone: 03641-931 087 Fax: 03641-931 082 E-Mail: ZKS OpenClinica Subject-ID-Generator To register a subject please use Register Subject Please start documentation in the OpenClinica-System. The Friedrich Schiller University on social media: Studying amid excellence: Contact Consultation hours: By appointment (please contact the office in advance) Main fields of interest. Login ID. The encrypted data will be attached to the outgoing message. ACP's legal status as an interfaculty center of the university is sealed by its statute.The center is directed by an elected board of four to five scientific directors, one of them being its executive director. Please visit: für Medientechnologie : 2002-2006: Doktorand gefördert durch das IZKF Jena im TP1.12 + TP1.8 in einer Kooperation des Biomagnetischen Zentrums und des Instituts für … Board of directors. ZVB | AVB | Privacy | Impressum | Research. You may not get the full functionality. QUIPSInfant is a new module of the German QUIPS and the international PAIN OUT project. Phone: +49 3641 9-396526. Fax: +49 3641 9-396507. Qualmann, Britta. Offizieller YouTube-Kanal der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. 1996-2001: Dipl.-Ing. This form will be sent internally within your organization. wissenschaftlicher Lebenslauf. Subproject . University Hospital. E-Mail: This service lets you open your university e-mail account in a browser, read and write e-mails there as well as manage your calendar entries, tasks, and notes – from anywhere around the world. The central theme of our work is the transparent, integrated usage of resources in open, heterogeneous, dynamic environments.The ultimate goal of this research is to build systems that optimally support users in achieving their goals without the need of human intervention. Vice Dean for Study: Prof. Dr. Orlando Guntinas-Lichius Name and contact details of the data protection officer (Art. ZVB | AVB | Privacy | Impressum | Please fill out the following form to contact your Administrator with questions about OpenClinica. a Faculty of Medicine. SP 16. +49 3641 949350. Name . Uta Bock 2. The EKL for Management of Postoperative Pain provides a succinct summary of recommendations for treating postoperative pain in patients undergoing the most common surgical procedures. Requirements for joining. Contact. Password. This interdisciplinary collaborative research centre is going to produce significant new insight into the function and distribution of membrane receptors and, at the same time, new high-end light microscopic methods are going to be developed. an English speaking person for data input; a computer with internet access Password. Kids between 4 and 18 years can be asked about their postoperative pain therapy and … QUIPSI - quality improvement in postoperative pain treatment of children. fon: +49 (0) 3641 9 43200 fax: +49 (0) 3641 9 43202 E-Mail: for the Department 5 - Personnel Fürstengraben 1, 07743 Jena represented by the deputy, Dr. med. Login : Contact OpenClinica Administrator. Share this page. D-07743 Jena. The recommendations were formulated by a team of European experts, based on authoritative sources, published during the last decade. OpenClinica User Login. Login ID. For all administrative matters including all questions concerning participation, please contact Claudia Weinmann,, +49 3641 9323398.
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